
Mostrando entradas de 2018

Hanley landscape painting

 Stoke-on-Trent is a polycentric city, something that confused my a lot at the beginning. I was searching for nice pics of the area online and this is one that caught  my attention. The picture is taken from Etruria, which is an emblematic industrial site of the area. You can see Hanley and in the centre the Regent Theatre. Original Pics From : https://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/668954532.jpg?w=748&h=498&crop=1 originally in this web: http://metro.co.uk/2017/06/29/14-reasons-stoke-on-trent-is-a-great-place-to-live-6740322/  Work in progress and final Pics I took recently I did not know exactly the place where the original was taken after I painted. It was really curious to visit the place you have spent time painting but you are not really been there before.

Industrial Landscapes in Stoke-on-Trent

Initial inspiration: I live in the Stoke-on-Trent area. I am amazed about the history of the area and the particular kind of beauty of the industrial landscape. There are plenty of industrial sites and canals from the industrial revolution.  I cycle usually and that allow me to go around the canals. Every time I need to go to the Stoke-on-Train train station I will pass Penkhull. it is very curious that they keep two kilns by the canal. From Wikipedia:  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Restored_bottle_kilns,_Stoke-on-Trent_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1578523.jpg   Initial drawing: I am fascinated by those kilns.  Working out the interpretation and final results: Initially I was thinking to do something based on Van Gogh particular style but applied to the pottery landscape. This is the final painting.  Some pics a took recently:

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, some of my favourites paintings

I have been exploring the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery,  and I post here some of my favourites paintings I found there and what they say to me. There are some impressive paintings there such as the  The Star of Bethlehem   favourites painting  which probably is the largest watercolour in the world. Also the Museum is famous for hosting an amazing collection of Pre-Raphaelites .  The Last of England turns out to be one of the British favourites paintings. This painting shows when English people migrate, including the painter was himself wondering about it. It shows a stormy weather what make me worry about the child. The Long Engagement is a really curious topic and title. Hope comforting Love is an amazing line. A symbolic way to represent our choice between good and bad.

Los jardines ingleses

Los jardines ingleses Murcia tiene hermosos jardines salpicado por toda la ciudad. Todos, no importa lo pequeñitos o modestos que parezcan tienen sus propios secretos, sus bellos rincones y ocultos secretos. Puede ser ese árbol que florece unas cuantas semanas al año, o ese nido que alumbra vida en septiembre. Los cánticos de sus aves al atardecer de mayo o los susurros de esa fuente. Los olores de algunas de sus plantes, el mar de colores en abril. Los ocultos relojes de sol. Los estrategicamente situados bancos. Parece que siempre hay algo para quien sabe observar, para quien tiene el tiempo y la paciencia o simplemente la suerte de estar en el momento adecuado. Por las ciudades en las que he estado no he encontrado lo mismo y muchas veces pienso en ellas, sobre todo en días como hoy, 1 de Abril. ¡Qué bonito es Abril en Murcia!, la luz la temperatura. Para mi Abril es el mejor mes para visitar el Sur de España. Quizá Mayo también, Alicante está precios...