Super (mindful) Models
What is a super (mindful) models and why I should care? Super famous people are so far away, in the glamours style, movies, youtube, magazine so far from other people. Always beautiful, always perfect, always making lots of money and incredibly successful. Usually we forget about them. We stop watching them after certains ages and we do not see their problems or human life. Perhaps this is not what sells better. When someone writes an autobiography may do it for different reasons, certainly there are different advantages: 1) go back to the centre, 2) make some money, 3) add your figure , branch projects and so on 4) if you tell the history you select the way is portrait. As you can see there are incentives to hide key information or at least painful facts in our life. Don't we all do that at some extent? It can happen even unconsciously, via repression or similar. But all that reason is very interesting to see how the writer depicts a difficult situation a...