Super (mindful) Models
What is a super (mindful) models and why I should care?
Super famous people are so far away, in the glamours style, movies, youtube, magazine so far from other people. Always beautiful, always perfect, always making lots of money and incredibly successful.
Usually we forget about them. We stop watching them after certains ages and we do not see their problems or human life. Perhaps this is not what sells better.
When someone writes an autobiography may do it for different reasons, certainly there are different advantages: 1) go back to the centre, 2) make some money, 3) add your figure , branch projects and so on 4) if you tell the history you select the way is portrait.
As you can see there are incentives to hide key information or at least painful facts in our life. Don't we all do that at some extent? It can happen even unconsciously, via repression or similar.
But all that reason is very interesting to see how the writer depicts a difficult situation and how they face it, consciously. How did they feel? How did they describe it? Which option did they have?
I found at least three interesting examples of this and they use some form of meditados or yoga.
What can we learn from Gisele Bündchen, Miranda Kerr and Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Gisele Bündchen wrote in 2018 Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life in this books she describe her life including her
beginnings, and different periods of her wonderful life. Gisele has been a very famous model to the
point of becoming iconic, but also she is a multifaceted person and among other things she stands
out for philanthropic endeavours.
beginnings, and different periods of her wonderful life. Gisele has been a very famous model to the
point of becoming iconic, but also she is a multifaceted person and among other things she stands
out for philanthropic endeavours.
Gisele described a particular difficult time for her. Perhaps this is one of the most tender example I
have ever seen. Gisele was already highly recognized professionally when she was 23 years old.
She was working 350 days per year, being a confess workaholic, eating poorly, relying a lot on coffee,
nicotine during the day and wine in the evenings. Finally she reached a point where all those
unbalanced manifested in terrible ways.
have ever seen. Gisele was already highly recognized professionally when she was 23 years old.
She was working 350 days per year, being a confess workaholic, eating poorly, relying a lot on coffee,
nicotine during the day and wine in the evenings. Finally she reached a point where all those
unbalanced manifested in terrible ways.
One day she had suicidal thoughts, reaching this one a climax. One of the pearls of her testimony
of the way she faced it. She had to do many things, among them she turned to yoga and meditation
to balance her life and get present. It is absolutely astonishing how she faced the circumstances and
the hard thing she just accomplished with her remarkable Discipline (Lesson and Chapter 1: It All
Starts with Discipline). That hard experience took her to the next level, she become a better person,
this is a truly examples of personal growth and antifragility, the crisis just make her better and better
(Lesson and Chapter 2: Challenges Are Opportunities in Disguise)
of the way she faced it. She had to do many things, among them she turned to yoga and meditation
to balance her life and get present. It is absolutely astonishing how she faced the circumstances and
the hard thing she just accomplished with her remarkable Discipline (Lesson and Chapter 1: It All
Starts with Discipline). That hard experience took her to the next level, she become a better person,
this is a truly examples of personal growth and antifragility, the crisis just make her better and better
(Lesson and Chapter 2: Challenges Are Opportunities in Disguise)
Miranda Kerr is, as Gisele, a multifaceted person and fellow model. As Gisele she uses yoga and meditation to
ground herself and face obstacles in a remarkable way. Both are passionate about the environment,
health. Both are remarkable business women, they manage to make themselves “brands” and go
beyond modelling in different ways.
ground herself and face obstacles in a remarkable way. Both are passionate about the environment,
health. Both are remarkable business women, they manage to make themselves “brands” and go
beyond modelling in different ways.
Miranda has two books where you can see the influence of meditations of yoga, and how important is
for her. Empower Yourself which is more a compilation of beautiful remarks to help you in your daily
activity and Treasure Yourself: Power Thoughts for My Generation which is more biographical.
There are a couple of cases in which Miranda opened her heart for difficult situations such as to
lose someone very close when she was a teenager and when she became blind for a few days after
a photoshooting.
for her. Empower Yourself which is more a compilation of beautiful remarks to help you in your daily
activity and Treasure Yourself: Power Thoughts for My Generation which is more biographical.
There are a couple of cases in which Miranda opened her heart for difficult situations such as to
lose someone very close when she was a teenager and when she became blind for a few days after
a photoshooting.
What calls the most my attention from this book is how thankful, kind, compassionate and mindful
Miranda is. For example she suffered some bullying experience and how after meeting with her
parents she faced the situation by talking and being clear with the bully. Most of us will be terrified
to do such a thing, she did it and got a friend. This is inline to some of the most beautiful compassion
meditations styles and a demonstration of 'wisdom' to make aware of another person she was a
bully and make her to change and her new friend.
Miranda is. For example she suffered some bullying experience and how after meeting with her
parents she faced the situation by talking and being clear with the bully. Most of us will be terrified
to do such a thing, she did it and got a friend. This is inline to some of the most beautiful compassion
meditations styles and a demonstration of 'wisdom' to make aware of another person she was a
bully and make her to change and her new friend.
It is harder to find male model´s books or self biographies however we have Arnold Schwarzenegger and his "Total Recall" (not the movie). This one is much longer than the previous, because Arnold
is a more senior citizen as highly accomplished in athleticism, business, actor and politician. Which
is really remarkable.
is a more senior citizen as highly accomplished in athleticism, business, actor and politician. Which
is really remarkable.
Another key difference between Arnold, Miranda and Gisele, probably is that Arnlod had a less,
in some senses, supportive family as Miranda and Gisele, at least at the beginning. Arnold’s father
was a more silent and strict person than the ladies’. Also is interesting the fact that Arnold’s father
was a veteran of the IIWW and how that silently and unconscious permeate in his personality.
in some senses, supportive family as Miranda and Gisele, at least at the beginning. Arnold’s father
was a more silent and strict person than the ladies’. Also is interesting the fact that Arnold’s father
was a veteran of the IIWW and how that silently and unconscious permeate in his personality.
In "Total Recall" Arnold tells his own life with details, clarity and humor. He even talks about his
extramarital son. Overall is a beautifully crafted book. He started listening about meditation and
Easter philosophy from a colleague at the gym. At that time he spent four or more hours every day.
Later he will encounter Transcendental Meditation and immediately recognize its value. In his own
word: "Hearing them talk about the need to disconnect and refresh was like a revelation. 'Arnold,
you're an idiot,' I told myself. 'You spend all this time on your body, but you never think about your
mind, how to make it sharper and relieve the stress. When you have muscle cramps, you have to
do more stretching, take a Jacuzzi, put on the ice packs, take more minerals. so why aren't you
thinking that the mind also can have a problem? It's overstressed, or it's tired, it's bored, it's fatigued,
it's about to blow up- let's learn tools for that".
extramarital son. Overall is a beautifully crafted book. He started listening about meditation and
Easter philosophy from a colleague at the gym. At that time he spent four or more hours every day.
Later he will encounter Transcendental Meditation and immediately recognize its value. In his own
word: "Hearing them talk about the need to disconnect and refresh was like a revelation. 'Arnold,
you're an idiot,' I told myself. 'You spend all this time on your body, but you never think about your
mind, how to make it sharper and relieve the stress. When you have muscle cramps, you have to
do more stretching, take a Jacuzzi, put on the ice packs, take more minerals. so why aren't you
thinking that the mind also can have a problem? It's overstressed, or it's tired, it's bored, it's fatigued,
it's about to blow up- let's learn tools for that".
What I think is most remarkable, in the context of this text, is his willpower, impressive, as Giselle's.
Furthemore he has an incredibly clear idea and overall view. He is able to make repetitive and
simple things fun as well. Imagine how difficult could be to be in a gym 4 hours, not only physically
but mentally, what do you do.
ConcludingFurthemore he has an incredibly clear idea and overall view. He is able to make repetitive and
simple things fun as well. Imagine how difficult could be to be in a gym 4 hours, not only physically
but mentally, what do you do.
Meditation and yoga has been an interesting tool to help with stress but also with particular problems
and outlook of life.
and outlook of life.
In many cases we are afraid to be alone with ourselves and meditation helps us, not only to sit down
with ourselves, but to get a clearer view and insight of our own life, our flaws and opportunities and
how we interact with other people. Being able to recognize little things makes huge differences.
with ourselves, but to get a clearer view and insight of our own life, our flaws and opportunities and
how we interact with other people. Being able to recognize little things makes huge differences.
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